Tuesday 11 August 2009

Year One Down Under

As of today, we've been in Australia for a year. Another amazingly fast year! Our life has, on the whole, been so great that the last couple of years has just flown by and the first year here in Oz is no exception.Apart from having some slight homesickness in the first couple of weeks (which I think was mostly cold induced (both temperature and illness), I've really enjoyed our time here and I'm 100% certain that we made the right decision in coming.

Financially it wasn't great (we still can't sell the house in York and make a profit, and the rent still doesn't cover the mortgage payments), but that's irrelevant when you consider that we both have better jobs, we live in a fantastic location, we're outdoors more, the weather is generally great, we've got all the benefits that we wanted. The year has had it's downsides, well, downside singular really, with the miscarriage, but despite being crushed at first, we know these things happen and we kind of moved on.

If we'd stayed in the UK i'm not sure we'd have gotten off our bums and improved our fitness. Sure we could have done, but we wouldn't. You can't overestimate how much difference the better weather has on how much you want to be outside and active. It makes everything so much easier.Looking into the future and the next year, i'm pretty damn sure that we'll have another fantastic, super fast year. Bring it on. :)

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