Monday 7 September 2009


Last friday we had our first baby scan! A nuchal-fold translucency scan to be precise, which is to check for the risk of Downs syndrome and the like. It was fantastic to see that yes, there actually is baby in there (and a reason for Sarah's sickness) and it has two arms and two legs. It was really wriggling around too, so maybe it's a mover, which i'm sure will be fun for Sarah!

The scan technology is really good and so was the service. We got a CD with 20 something screenshots and a DVD with the whole thing on video. Really good quality. I've uploaded the images to Facebook and the video to YouTube. When i remember i'll embed that here in the blog.

Providing there are no problems we'll probably only have one more scan, around the 20 week mark. Looking forward to that already!

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